The Best Man; Underhanded Tactics to Initiate Sex With Your Female Best Friend

Maybe you have a very jokey relationship with your best friend. Your always clowning on her all the time so nothing between you is ever serious. Or you might've been friends since you were children, so you're almost like brother and sister. Now if there is no sexual tension between the two of you, you have to create it……but lets’ not get ahead of ourselves. I will explain how to get around all this. I’ll explain how to get around various friendship hurdles and finally land you in that cookie box Ah..well… I meant, let’s land you in Pudenda READING OPTIONS OPTION 1 Download both PDF & EPUB through PayPal After checkout you are redirected to the page with both PDF & EPUB files! More reading options after random inside pages below! READING OPTIONS OPTION 1 Download both PDF & EPUB through PayPal After checkout you are redirected to the page with both PDF & EPUB files! OPTION 2 Download both PDF & EPUB through Patreon