If blue balls exist, what about blue ovaries?

Blue balls” is a wonderfully vivid slang term which refers to the testicular aching that can occur when someone is sexually aroused, but doesn't ejaculate. Although ovaries could be considered the counterpart to testicles, that pent-up fluid feeling is more likely to be felt in the labia, clitoris, and the outer third of the vagina — so, maybe it’s more accurate to call it “blue vulva.” Regardless of the term, “blue” genitals can occur in anyone when they become sexually and genitally aroused and can be relieved in a number of ways. Read on for how to take care of this pesky problem. When people become sexually excited, arteries pump blood to the genital area while nearby veins constrict to keep the blood there (also referred to as vasocongestion). In people with penises (PWP), this increased blood flow and constriction of blood vessels causes the penis to become erect and the testicles to enlarge by about 20 percent. In people with vaginas (PWV), the labia, vagina, and clitoris sw...